Hey everyone! The name Phantom Wolf is something I've used for several years back when I thought I'd start my own comic book company. While I've reeled my plans back in a little since then, it seemed appropriate for this website, which is basically a place for me to express my creative side, while I'm in college. (one of the biggest downsides to being an engineer is that you don't do that much writing, which I like a lot.)
Currently I have two web comic/cartoons that I update weekly. Knights of the Hexagonal Table: a nerdy medieval joke cartoon, with a VERY simplistic art style.
New post: SUNDAYS, generally around noon
I also am writing The Crusaders of Rat-Blight: a more solidified story that will (eventually) actually go somewhere, told in the format of a role-playing campaign. I cannot claim the art for this comic however as it is being done in collaboration with the Hidden Mage.
New Posts: THURSDAYS, generally around noon
There are also my Unsolicited Opinions on Life, where I just rant about this or that topic. (there aren't as many of those however.)
New Posts: SPORADICALLY, whenever I have something to say.
*NEW* I am doing both the art and writing for Epoch Fail, a sort of more Science-Fiction approach to Superheroes. Taking in the ramifications of a portion of people having powers, more than it is about them fighting (don't worry they'll be plenty of that too)
New Posts: SPORADICALLY, right now, I'm using these to cover for when we can't get a CORB comic done in time, due to the higher level of art and writing I'm doing for this story.