Dec 30, 2014


This is something of a pet peeve of mine. I feel that text lingo is a further degradation of our ability to effectively communicate with one another. In many cases words are already insufficient to get across our true meanings. I feel like text abbreviations are the next step downwards in this case.

Dec 28, 2014

KOHT #23

This is a something of a cop-out, but I'm still doing some transition-work. (geez, with all the hype I'm creating this better be something good.)

Dec 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Seeing as the chances of me remembering to do this tomorrow are slim, I figure I'll send it out tonight instead.

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season!

Dec 22, 2014


yes, the comic is late.....
yes, the comic is short...
yes, I am on break......

However, I've begun working on a rather large project and it's taking more time than I expected. I'll try not to be late again though, sorry about that.

Dec 11, 2014

#16 Conclusion Commencing

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I may not get to posting anything more for a little while, Finals are next week, and while I'll try to keep up my schedule during winter break, but I can't make any promises. That said, thank you all so much for taking to time to read these silly little doodles, it means a lot to me.


Dec 7, 2014


I'll be completely candid with you here: Count Flanders just took way too long to draw when he was all colorful.

Dec 4, 2014

#15 Confusion Conclusion

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Sorry for the lateness and brevity of this particular post, but finals season has arrived, and I have a test to study for.

Yes, yes, I know, I advertised an unsolicited opinion post over a week ago, but it may be a little while longer before I can get around to that. Sorry.....

Nov 30, 2014


If you pay careful attention, you will note that no sound-effect occurs multiple times. It's the little things.

Nov 25, 2014


"By the power of Grayskull!" "It's Clobberin' Time!" there are so many great catchphrases in history, which ones are the best? and what makes them so great?

Coming soon! "Take that!": The evolution of the catchphrase.

Nov 20, 2014

#14 Connection Confusion

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Preforming a con is a very intricate maneuver, requiring careful coordination between everyone involved. It is very, Very IMPORTANT, that everyone knows the plan.

Otherwise things might go wrong......

Nov 16, 2014


KOHT#17      KOHT#19
There are actually numerous reasons why travelling horseback would be less preferable to walking. Horses tend to attract more attention, and require a little more planning for feeding and shelter. given the fact that none of these characters seem to be carrying any sort of supplies with them, I guess the general is just being a big baby about this whole thing, and it's only a short hike.
Then again, hiking in Plate mail would make anyone cranky.

Nov 13, 2014

#13 negotiation interpretation

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Sometimes your PCs will surprise you by NOT coming guns blazing. Every now and then they decide to talk to the villain, rather than just beat his brains in.

It'll always be the villain that you had designed specific strategies for too.

Nov 9, 2014


Wait, is that color? GASP!

Also, if this post doesn't show up right, I am having some trouble with Bloggers interface, and it's giving me some sort of error, I'll be work on it, but let me know if this doesn't post right.

Nov 6, 2014

#12 First Boss Fight?

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Players will rarely sit and debate with an opponent (unless the opponent has gotten the upper-hand somehow)

Nov 2, 2014


there are lots of reasons that a strange cloaked figure would approach you speaking a dire warning. Some are slightly more legit than others.

UPDATE: sorry this comic wasn't showing up right, I'm really not sure what happened. it's the same as all the others.

Oct 30, 2014

#11 The Ruined altar

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Man this is one long comic! We just didn't know where to stop! (Hey look we even threw in some original artwork!) And it even ends on a semi-cliffhanger! who is this mysterious shadowy figure? What are his reasons for trying to drive the Three-Headed-Halfling out of business? Why is the author of this post inexplicably much more hyper than usual? What will happen next?


Oct 28, 2014


And... sometimes an idea is just so strange, you can't help but write it, then wonder if you're entirely mentally sane. Note the invisible edges of the poster in the third and sixth panel. Think of it as the same style as weather reports.

...if that helps....

Oct 26, 2014


Sometimes ideas give you enough jokes that you don't have to limit yourself to one per comic. Note the invisible speakers that are attached to the hamster wheel, in order to make that a functioning microphone.

Oct 25, 2014


Oh I guess you can ignore what I said about not divulging what was inside that chest. Whoops.

Oct 23, 2014

#10: Instant gratification. What you got?

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This is inevitable in a RPG session. Every group will have one or two people who will discuss tactics ad nauseum and one person who has no patience for tactics of any kind and will simply rush to the next situation. Much to the chagrin of the planners.

 hmmn... RF seems to be melding himself with the trail......

Oct 21, 2014


This strip would be the first time all six members of the Knights of The Hexagonal Table are in the field, (even if they're really only in one panel.) for those of you attempting to keep the knights separate, In the fifth panel the order is: King Arcos, the General, Sir Duemir, Sir Gladius, OtherKnight, and Sir Fatua.

Maybe I should give them different helmets to help distinguish them more?

Oct 19, 2014


KOHT#13      KOHT#14.5
The gathering of taxes/tribute was vitally important to the prosperity of a king and his troops. This would usually take the form of a percentage of the crops grown or goods crafted. Almost never would taxes come in the form of gold coins. (A fact that is ignored by virtually every Robin Hood movie to ever exist) And to be honest it will rarely fit into a nice little trunk like the one pictured above.

Hence my not actually deciding what was being carried in that particular chest.

Oct 16, 2014

#9 Maybe if we set the woods on fire...

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It's one of the DM's greatest tools. Nothing can make the players more nervous than an unexplained die roll or question. particularly asking for a player's armorclass or save bonus will cause a frantic scramble to cover every possible avenue of danger. There is just so much scrambling it's almost more effective NOT to have anything prepared when you ask, so that the players can continue to freak out while you just sit there chuckling to yourself.

But don't let the players know that.

Oct 12, 2014


Why isn't Sir Gladius just beating up these bandits you ask?
Umm....... Because he's a good person?

Oct 9, 2014


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Hey, look! A hastily-drawn new background! Progress!