Dec 30, 2014


This is something of a pet peeve of mine. I feel that text lingo is a further degradation of our ability to effectively communicate with one another. In many cases words are already insufficient to get across our true meanings. I feel like text abbreviations are the next step downwards in this case.

Dec 28, 2014

KOHT #23

This is a something of a cop-out, but I'm still doing some transition-work. (geez, with all the hype I'm creating this better be something good.)

Dec 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Seeing as the chances of me remembering to do this tomorrow are slim, I figure I'll send it out tonight instead.

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season!

Dec 22, 2014


yes, the comic is late.....
yes, the comic is short...
yes, I am on break......

However, I've begun working on a rather large project and it's taking more time than I expected. I'll try not to be late again though, sorry about that.

Dec 11, 2014

#16 Conclusion Commencing

                                           Prev Comic             Next Comic
I may not get to posting anything more for a little while, Finals are next week, and while I'll try to keep up my schedule during winter break, but I can't make any promises. That said, thank you all so much for taking to time to read these silly little doodles, it means a lot to me.


Dec 7, 2014


I'll be completely candid with you here: Count Flanders just took way too long to draw when he was all colorful.

Dec 4, 2014

#15 Confusion Conclusion

                                                           Prev Comic                Next Comic
Sorry for the lateness and brevity of this particular post, but finals season has arrived, and I have a test to study for.

Yes, yes, I know, I advertised an unsolicited opinion post over a week ago, but it may be a little while longer before I can get around to that. Sorry.....